Monday, July 23, 2012

Owls and cake?

I had the pleasure today to make a cake for a very special young lady.  Jenna, a friend of my daughter, really wanted a cake made by us.  So, her sweet Momma gave us a call and badda bing, badda boom - we had a cake order.

This one is a first for me though.  Jenna LOVES owls.  So, her Mom placed an order for an owl cake.  She gave me some color ideas and away we went to work.

This cake is a white wedding style cake with a raspberry filling and buttercream icing.  It is half icing and half fondant.

I found myself really enjoying the process for this cake.  I am so blessed to be able to do this for folks and to utilize my passion for baking.   Feel free to leave comments on your thoughts.

Let'm eat cake!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

 Our county has a burn ban, so there were no fireworks to be seen for miles and miles.  To celebrate the independence of our nation, we spent the evening with friends. 

Our gracious host requested that I bake a cake for her bash.  Of course, I was all to happy to oblige.   So, without further ado, here is our cake!

God Bless the USA!

 back of the cake

So, let'm eat cake!