Friday, March 30, 2012

Oh, Sweet Orange Rolls

This week my sister and I went to the local butcher.  We both want to start feeding our families with more natural, less preservative foods.   While we were there I noticed that a local baker had some orange rolls for sale at the butcher's shop.  I was so excited to see them.  They are one of my sister's favorites.  It inspired me to make them for her as a little treat just to show her how much I love her.

I started this off with real oranges.  No extract used for the orange taste of these things.  It always surprises me just how much of an orange taste can come from the zest of the orange.   Easier than peeling the orange and squeezing it for the juice.



The recipe was so simple.  Easy as 1,2,3.   A little orange, soft dough for the rolls and a citrus glaze.  I think the hardest part of this whole thing is waiting for the dough to rise and the rolls to cook.  I am a "need it now" kind of gal, so waiting is not really in my vocabulary.  I assure you, these were worth the wait!

I baked these sweet treats at 375 for 20 minutes and poured the sweet glaze all over them.

They turned out really good.  My family loved them.  My six year old actually kept saying "yum" while he was eating his piece.  He is so picky, so they must have been exceptional.  There are some minor changes that I am going to do in order to get to perfection.  Less sugar, more orange and most importantly, BIGGER rolls.   A recipe might be in the works if there is an interest in sharing it.

I have so many amazing treats to come.  Hope you stay tuned for more sweet treats!  Like I always say, let'm eat cake. Or in this case, sweet orange rolls!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life is so sweet!

This morning started out rather rough today.   I lay in bed this morning and I hear the alarm going off.  I think to myself, "why in the world is the alarm going off on Saturday?"  Snap back into reality.  It is only Tuesday.   I can promise you it was not happy thoughts that I had immediately following this upset in my world.

My friend Michelle calls me later that morning to remind me that we have a meeting this evening and I am suppose to bring something along as a snack or dessert.  Sweet.  Am I prepared?  No.  Okay, well that't not completely true..  I always have something on hand to make.  I struggled today though because I am trying to break into the community with my new baking talents and I want to take something to impress.

So, I came up with an on the spot treat that I am just going to have to brag on.

Chocolate Caramel Cups

These sweet treats are a chocolate cookie that is much like a cake.  Caramel oozes in the center of these treats.   They were so good.  The caramel was thick and creamy.  Of course I am a caramel lover from way back.  Honestly, I think I could eat it on just about anything.  Hand me a roof tile with caramel smeared on it and I probably would give it a try.    

I am going to try making them as cheesecake cups too.  Can't wait to try that!

What a sweet end to a rough day.  I think these treats can make anyone change their attitude.   So, if you want to make someone's day.......Let'm eat cake!

God Bless!