Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life is so sweet!

This morning started out rather rough today.   I lay in bed this morning and I hear the alarm going off.  I think to myself, "why in the world is the alarm going off on Saturday?"  Snap back into reality.  It is only Tuesday.   I can promise you it was not happy thoughts that I had immediately following this upset in my world.

My friend Michelle calls me later that morning to remind me that we have a meeting this evening and I am suppose to bring something along as a snack or dessert.  Sweet.  Am I prepared?  No.  Okay, well that't not completely true..  I always have something on hand to make.  I struggled today though because I am trying to break into the community with my new baking talents and I want to take something to impress.

So, I came up with an on the spot treat that I am just going to have to brag on.

Chocolate Caramel Cups

These sweet treats are a chocolate cookie that is much like a cake.  Caramel oozes in the center of these treats.   They were so good.  The caramel was thick and creamy.  Of course I am a caramel lover from way back.  Honestly, I think I could eat it on just about anything.  Hand me a roof tile with caramel smeared on it and I probably would give it a try.    

I am going to try making them as cheesecake cups too.  Can't wait to try that!

What a sweet end to a rough day.  I think these treats can make anyone change their attitude.   So, if you want to make someone's day.......Let'm eat cake!

God Bless!

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